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On the weekend of April 10th, our chapter hosted

the Casino Royale themed regional conference. Brothers from Edinboro, WVU, IUP, and Cal U spent the weekend at the University of Pittsburgh. On Friday, brothers mingled in Nordy’s while participating in a two events. For service, cans were collected for a food drive. For scholarship, brothers played poker. It gave people a chance to meet brothers from other chapters and get an idea of what the weekend would entail.

On Saturday, everyone met bright and early for icebreakers. We broke into smaller groups and went around saying fun facts about ourselves. Then, we started roundtable discussions. These discussions led to a lot of great new ideas for all chapters. Everyone came away with something useful that they were able to take back to their chapter and hopefully put into action. After roundtables, current brothers got to hear from some alumni. After the lunch break, brothers could choose to from 3 different events. A lot of brothers from other chapters chose to do cool Pitt things, such as a Pathfinder tour or a tour of the Cathedral of Learning. Needless to say, our campus rocks.

After the official events were done for the afternoon, many brothers (both from Pitt and other chapters) went to Bigelow Bash to see American Authors and do some bonding! Then, at night, we continued the fellowship trend with great food and a ton of dancing at Peter’s Pub. It was a great way to end the weekend! Special shout out to our ICR chair, Amy, for working so hard in the preparation and execution of the conference!

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