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October 2017 Highlights

Happy belated Halloween from the Alpha Omega chapter! Check out the events brothers got involved with this month!

10/1 Donut Dash

Eating 6 donuts sounds like a fun time however, once brothers ran in the event they realized that was not the case. The donut dash had brothers compete by running 1 mile, eat the donuts and run another mile. Our very own Dave Leftwich got 4th in the race!

10/12 Bob Ross Painting Night

Brothers and initiates got together at the Center for Creativity to learn how to paint happy little clouds and mountains on a canvas.

10/20 – 10/22

Deep Creek Weekend!

Brothers and initiates ventured out to Deep Creek, MD and bonded at our annual lake house trip. Saturday night was also our Casino themed formal so everyone was dressed up for a night out! (pictured left) Our very own Brad Campbell’s and Geneva Litz’s birthdays were this weekend as well!

10/24 Late Night Porch (right)

Brothers gathered at the Porch to enjoy $5 Pizza. It gave brothers an opportunity to relax and eat during midterms and get to know the new initiates!

Wednesdays - PI VOLLEYBALL:

The intramural volleyball team wrapped up their season at the end of the month. Although

the team struggled to win each week, they all had a fun time and came closer to each other! They all look forward to bring their talents to the table once again in the spring season.

Wednesdays - PI SOCCER:

The Pi intramural soccer team continued their great season throughout the past 31 days, ending the month with a 3-1-1 record. With one more game to play in the regular season, they are very excited to face some tough competition in the coming weeks as the playoffs begin.

*Pictured (right) is our star goalkeeper TJ Watson with the speedy Jenny Forse. These two felt very confident with the team this night and brought their A-game.



10/7 Kayaking

10/12 Late Night Fuel

10/20-10/22: Deep Creek!

10/24 $5 Porch Pizza


10/27 Pi Halloween Party


10/1 Animal Rescue League & Wildlife Center

10/12 Homecoming Blood Drive

10/16 Read for the Record Material Creation

10/17 Blood Drive | Read for the Record Material Creation

10/18 Blood Drive | Read for the Record Material Creation

10/19 Blood Drive

10/21 PMADD

10/24 Blood Drive

10/25 Blood Drive

10/26 Blood Drive

10/28 Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

10/29 Zoo Boo


10/6 Pittsburgh Glass Center

10/1 Randyland

10/12 Bob Ross Painting Night

10/15 Bro Brunch at Mercurios

10/17You Say Potato

10/18 International Food Trucks

10/19 Paint Night with Center for Creativity

10/26 Self Care Fair

10/28 Carnegie Science Center

10/31 Cyber Security Scare House

10/29 Initiate Scholarship Event: Henna Workshop


Donut Dash - 10/1

Challah For Hunger Sample Sale - 10/6

Rita’s Chillout FTK - 10/9

LOTSA Pizza Hillman Cancer Center Fundraiser - 10/16

Challah for Hunger - 10/20 + 10/27

Chapter History

Founder’s Day Celebration - 10/1


Resumania - 10/2

Career Fair: Business, Humanities, and Social Sciences Majors - 10/4

SHRS Open House - 10/28


Grilled Cheese Sales (Part II) - 10/13 to the wee hours of 10/14

Conclusion of Pittsburgh Popcorn Sales - 10/30

Other Events

10/19 LIA Module and Facilitator Training

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