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23 Years and counting... PSP Pitt Founder's Day 2015

The Alpha Omega chapter of Phi Sigma Pi (aka "The Pi") was founded on September 27, 1992 at the Unviersity of Pittsburgh. We celebrated our 23rd founder's day with a fun-filled weekend of Pi events!

On Saturday, brothers went Kayaking on the rivers of Pittsburgh and participated in WDVE 102.5's Radiothon at Children's hospital taking donations as phone bank volunteers.

On Sunday, we began our 23rd founder's day by pinning our newest class of initiates, the Alpha Psi class. Following the pinning ceremony, the new initates attended their first general body meeting and then joined us and some local alumni for our founder's day celebration: a kickball game on the lawn of the Cathedral of Learning on Pitt's campus.

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