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September Recap


Events Held: 2

  • Date Party, September 12

  • Kayaking, September 26

To start the semester we held our bi-annual date party, where we encourage brothers to invite their friends and peers who many be interested in rushing to expose these potential rushees to our organization.

"Date party was a ton of fun and got all the bros together for the first time since the summer!"

"A fun night to dress up and dance with all the brothers."

The brotherhood's favorite event this month was Kayaking, where brothers met up on the Monongahela river to enjoy the beautiful weather and Pittsburgh views.

"Kayaking was a blast this year. It is such a fun way to bond with fellow brothers while soaking in some sun and an awesome view of the city."

This year our social chair, Gina, added weekly Brotherhood study hours to our social calendar. Turnout so far has been great: its an opportunity for bros to get together in the library to study and get school work done, promoting fellowship and scholarship all in one. As always, we are again participating in intramural sports. We've just recently kicked off the seasons for Intramural soccer and volleyball and basketball will start in the next few weeks! #Ballislife


Events held: 11

  • Pittsburgh Irish Festival, September 11

  • Segway Tour of Pittsburgh, September 12

  • Randyland, September 13

  • Green Speakeasy, September 14

  • Rush Week Trivia Night, September 17

  • Mattress Factory Opening Reception, September 18

  • Exhalations Dance Theater supporting brother Carly, September 19

  • Artful Wednesdays, September 23

  • Gallery Crawl, September 25

  • "The Hunting Ground" Screening, September 28

  • "A Place at the Table" Screening, September 28

The scholarship committee kicked off the semester strong with a lot of events for brothers to attend all over Pittsburgh. The brothers' favorites were the Segway Tour of Pittsburgh and the trip to the Mattress Factory for an opening reception.

The Segway tour is a new addition to our scholarship calendar, but one that will definitely be repeated in future semesters. The gloomy weather didn't stop bros from embracing a new mode of transportation and learning more about our city.

"It was by far the best way to tour Pittsburgh! I not only conquered my fear of segways but got to explore downtown with the bros!"

"Segways, milkshakes, and Pittsburgh. Doesn't get better than that."

On September 18, The Mattress Factory, a contemporary art museum on Pittsburgh's North Shore, held a reception for the opening of its new exhibition: "Factory Installed" which featured the work of artists Lisa Sigal, Bill Smith, Rob Voerman, and Marnie Weber. Brothers enjoyed experiencing the interactive nature of the Mattress Factory's permanent and brand new exhibits.

"The installation art was awesome and it was such a fun event! Plus there was food."

"The Mattress Factory always provides a fun experience for its visitors whether its your first time or your hundredth. It was so great to experience the Mattress Factory's exhibits that I love and share them with my brothers."


Events Held: 8

  • Great American Water Balloon Fight 9/12

  • Alphabet Trail and Tales 9/12

  • FARE Walk for Food Allergy 9/12

  • Rush Week Service Event 9/16

  • Boys and Girls Club 9/17

  • Love Your Melon 9/22

  • Radiothon at Children’s Hospital 9/26

  • Donut Dash Tabling 9/29

This September, the Alpha Omega Chapter of Phi Sigma Pi started the year off with a solid 273 hours of service! With such a wide variety of service events, everyone seemed to find a fun and rewarding way to help out in the community. Most of our events this month focused mainly on helping the kids in the community as we did face paint at the FARE Walk for Food Allergy, distributed Love Your Melon hats to children battling cancer, help the kids at Boys and Girls club with homework and assembled infant hygiene kits to send to Global Links.

The most popular event this month was Radiothon at the Children’s Hospital. Our chapter is very fortunate to have been able to be a part of this event for the past few years and it is always great to see the total amount raised at the end of the day that will go towards helping the kids at the hospital. The atmosphere was so positive, especially whenever someone got a phone call with a donation. Being around others volunteering, answering calls from generous donors and hearing stories from kids at the hospital is what makes this event a highlight for most brothers’ semester.

“This is continually my favorite event every year. It brings so much joy to talk to the listeners of WDVE Radio and receive donations for a hospital that has done so much for the Pittsburgh community. It is one of those events that you truly feel like you are making a difference.”

“Getting to see the children that have directly benefited from Children’s Hospital is heartwarming and rewarding.”

To see more photos from this month's events check out our Facebook page: Phi Sigma Pi Pitt!

For more updates on our events keep up with our blog or follow us on social media @PSP_Pitt.


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