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January 2017 Highlights

Check out some of the awesome events we held this semester!


SPRING ACTIVITIES FAIR: We kicked off the new semester with the club fair. Here is where met many new future initiates, and spread the word about our organization.


DATE PARTY: The Alpha Omega chapter hangs out for a night at our semesterly date party. We always encourage brothers to bring out prospective rushees to allow them to meet some of our brothers!


MLK DAY OF SERVICE: Brothers enjoyed sorting school supplies and helping out at a local theater at the annual day of service. Over 10 brothers came out and did some great work for the local Pittsburgh area!!


CULTURAL POTLUCK: Rushees and brothers interact at a new rush event this semester--a cultural potluck! Many brothers made food native to countries all around the globe that we feasted on at an incredibly successful rush event.


COOKIE CAKE DECORATING: At arguably the most competitive rush event this semester, cookie cake decorating was also introduced to this year's rush calendar. Brothers and rushees were divided into teams to decorate the best cookie cake possible, with a Bob Ross-inspired cookie cake taking home the gold. Pictured below was the very close runner-up.


FAMILY HOUSE: At a very popular service event, brothers enjoy cooking breakfast for the people residing in the Family House on campus.


PINNING: The Alpha Omega chapter initiated 21 new initiates into Phi Sigma Pi!!! IA Sara Cristy and IC Jess Duffy will accompany these initiates on their journey to become brothers.

From left to right: (Back) Natalie, Adam, Elaine, Emily, Sarah, Alex D, Danielle, Tori, Annika, Alex B, Caroline

(Front) Alex W, Claire, Kenny, Gabrielle, Gianna, Deirdre, Eliza, Jenna, Audrey Not pictured: Brittany

Sneak peak of some bigs and littles:

Anna and Jenny Katie and Audrey

Kelsey and Annika Sam and Natalie

Full list of events this semester


1/7: First Trinity Homeless Ministry

1/13: Birthday Parties for Kids-Jumpstart

1/16: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service

1/17: Games at Canterbury Place

1/27: Family House Breakfast

1/28: Pittsburgh Food Bank-Repack Center


1/7: Fantastic Redeyes and Where To Find Them

1/10: Bryndon Minniefield Photography

1/12: MLK Speaker

1/18: PITT ARTS Artful Wednesdays

1/20: Chris Sexauer art exhibit

1/28: Monthly Bro Brunch at Spice Island Tea House

1/29: Salsa Workshop


1/14: Date Party

1/24: $5 Hems

1/31: Intramural Volleyball

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